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Analytical Plan: Nov 07 Hoffman Census

Finish data entry

Data cleaning

      • Addresses standardized

      • HHID07 recoded/standardized

      • Merge Proxy, HH and Visual datasets using HHID07 as standard key

      • Logic checks:

          • In proxy data,

              • the number in age groups should add up to total number in hh

          • In the HH data,

              • the number of people in demographic table should add up to the total number in the household

          • etc…

Recoding and Processing

      • FHH: females who are heads of the household.

      • Single FHH: in demographic table, females who are heads of hh and single

      • Code top problems into categories

Target stats

(Note: Where possible we will try also incorporate 2005 dated from US Census and 2006 RALLY data in the following tables and figures.)


      1. TABLE: Total population

Occupancy rate

Vulnerable Groups

Female-headed households

      1. TABLE: Total number of FHHs

Rate of female headship among all households

Children under five

      1. TABLE: Total number of children under five

Percent who live in FHHs

School age children

      1. TABLE: Total number of school age children

Percent who live in FHH

Percent who are currently enrolled in school


      1. TABLE: Total number over 65

Employment rate for over 65

Selected Demographics


      1. TABLE: Average Age

Average HH size

Race/Ethnicity breakdown

      1. PIE CHARTS: Percent in each age group

      2. MAP: Fuzzy location of Hispanic residents

Age breakdown

      1. BAR CHART: Percent in each age group

Education breakdown

      1. BAR CHART: Percent in each education group, excluding under-18

Employment breakdown

      1. BAR CHART: Percent in each employment group

New Residents

      1. PIE CHART: Lived here pre-K vs. not

      2. PIE CHART: Race ethnicity of new post-K residents only

Owners and renters

      1. PIE CHART: Percent who own vs rent

Needs and Assets


      1. TABLE: Ranked list of responses to question 5. This will be qualitative and will require some re-coding.

Priority Services

      1. TABLE: Ranked list of responses to question 12.

Access to services:

      1. TABLE: Question 6 broken down with four columns: service category, % yes % no, %dk

      2. TABLE: Ranked locations where people are accessing services, by service category


      1. PIE CHART: Percent aware of a community center in the neighborhood vs. not

      2. PIE CHART: Percent who use existing community center

      3. TABLE: Ranked responses to 7.a.

      4. PIE CHART: Percent who say they would use a center if there was one


      1. PIE CHART: Percent who would use a community center near Broad and Washington vs. not vs. dk

      2. PIE CHART: Percent who would use a community center near Hoffman School/Taylor Park vs. not vs. dk

      3. PIE CHART: Percent who would use a community center near Jackson and Simon Bolivar vs. not vs. dk

      4. PIE CHART: Percent who would prefer another location vs. not vs. dk

      5. TABLE: Ranked responses to 11.a.

Hoffman School

      1. PIE CHART: Percent who feel it is important to open JW Hoffman School vs. not vs. dk0x01 graphic
        0x01 graphic
        0x01 graphic

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