Proposal Hoffman Rapid Census Fall 2007.doc
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Proposal: Fall 2007 Hoffman Rapid Census
The data collection activity is planned as a three-day “weekend-sweep” of the Hoffman Triangle. It will be a rapid census, and will collect priority information on:
Total population and occupancy rate
Size of vulnerable populations, including children, single female mothers, and the elderly
Select household demographics
Utilization of existing services, and service gaps
Potential locations for a Safe haven and service delivery
The census instrument will be comprised of three components: (1) a set of questions on the respondent household, (2) a set of questions to collect proxy information on all other houses on the block, and (3) a standardized visual assessment of each household to determine its occupancy status.
There are roughly 1000 households in the Hoffman Triangle. We are hoping to get 20 data collectors to work in pairs, and to complete all data collection activities from Friday Nov. 2 through Sunday Nov. 4. Summary and descriptive statistics will be presented on the Nov 12th CSI meeting.
Household Survey
We will use the database constructed from our last Hoffman census as a sampling frame upon which a census will be conducted. We will use GIS to group and code addresses by block, and randomly assign a set of blocks to each data collection team. The teams would receive a bound set of pre-addressed surveys to collect information on the respective household, one for each address on the block. All households/addresses will be coded to ensure accurate mapping to RALLY's 2006 household data.
Block matrix
A separate matrix would be created to record proxy data on all houses on the block. A single matrix would be created for each block, with street addresses down the left column, and proxy questions along the top row. There would be space for additional households in case the sampling frame is inaccurate. The matrix would accommodate multiple proxy reports on each household. Every surveyed house would be asked to report on every house on their block.
Visual assessment of occupancy
In addition to the proxy data, a standard set of visual cues will be used by each survey team to make a best guess as to the occupancy status of each household. This assessment can be recorded on the block matrix.
Proxy questions (“block matrix”)
Does anyone currently live in that house?
How many older people live in that house (over 65)?
How many other adults (18-65) live in that house?
How many school age children 5-18) live in that house?
How many children under 5 live in that house?
Is that house headed by a single mom?
Respondent questions (“household survey”)
How many older people live in your house (over 65)
How many adults (over 18, under 65) live in your house
How many school age children 5-18) live in your house
How many children under 5 live in your house
Is your house headed by a single mom?
Service utilization/gaps
Location of potential safe haven
What building would make a good community center?