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14. A B C D E F G H I J K
Person ID Sex Age Marital Status? Lived Here Pre-K? Slept Here Last Night? Relationships to Respondent Currently Enrolled in School? Highest level of schooling completed? Currently Employed? Is this person the head of the household?
  1. M 2. F   1. Married 2 Seperated 3. Divorced 4. Widowed. 5. Never Married 6. D/K 1. Yes 0. No 9. D/K 1. Yes 0. No 7. Refused 9. D/K 1. Respondent 2. Spouse 3. Child 4. Sibling 5. Parent 6. Grandchild 7. In-Law 8. Other Relative 9. Tennant 10. roommate 11. Unmarried Partner 12. Foster child 13. Worker 14 Other non-relative 1. Yes 0. No 9. D/K 0. No Schooling 1. Less than High School 2. High School Grad 3. GED 4. Some College 5. Assosciate's Degree (AA, AS) 6. Bachelor's Degree (BA, BS) 7. Post-Graduate Degree (MA, MS, Ph.D., J.D.) 8. D/K 1. Yes 2. No, Not Seeking Employment 3. No, Seeking Employment 9. D/K 1. Yes 2. No There should be only 1 head of household

Spreadsheet's Author: ENGLISH
Last Updated with Excel 97

Created with xlhtml 0.5
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